
Meet the dynamic Architect & Interior Designer couple Felicity and Marc, known by many from the much loved TV Show Grand Designs Australia. They are not only leading experts in the residential and sustainable design industries, but their passion and determination has inspired audiences and fans worldwide to feel encouraged, motivated and empowered to become a change maker, to living more sustainably, and to making our world a better place.  
Felicity and Marc Bernstein - The Powerhouse Couple
Felicity and Marc have won an accolade of architectural awards for their work and brought their decades of expertise into their well known green business suite including Melbourne Design Studios (MDS), Hütt and Dream Home Academy (DHA), all with the vision to make the world a better place, and to help people make better choices. 

Felicity Bernstein is an author, an intuitive Interior Designer, a highly energetic impact speaker and a transformational coach. As an inspiring sustainable designer with a German degree in architecture, she brings over 25 years global industry experience to the table. On top of designing healthy, eco friendly and comforting spaces and interiors for clients, Felicity has been tutoring at university, spearheading sustainable programs for schools. As a leader in the green interior scene, she is inspiring others to seek or create greener spaces by speaking at various industry events like the Design Show or Open House Melbourne.

Besides being an author, 
Marc Bernstein-Hussmann is also a multi-award-winning registered architect with over 25 years of global industry experience. Marc’s work is focused around sustainable eco homes, green architecture that marries in with stunning landscape and environmentally friendly and inspiring interiors. Marc is a Certified Passivhaus Designer and a previous judge of the Australian Institute of Architects' Sustainability Awards. He has been tutoring at university and is a much valued leader in the sustainable contemporary architecture scene.
Felicity and Marc are extremely passionate about sustainability and have an amazing talent boiling down complicated facts into easy fun solutions, to change the world for the better while enjoying living, learning, and growing individually and as a community on this planet. So join Felicity and Marc on this incredible journey and discover how you, too, can become a change maker and create a brighter, greener future for all.